Tabata Arms

I didn’t have a whole lot in the tank this morning. Between not getting enough calories in yesterday to a poor sleep due to a sick dog. But I still got to the gym and put in what I could.

I have been loving Tabata workouts lately for my accessory work.

Today I did arms for 15:50 20secs work, 10secs rest.

Bicep cable curl s/s Tricep Rope Pressdown 8 rounds

Bicep high cable curl alternating arms 8 rounds

Tricep dumbbell kickback alternating arms 8 rounds

Bicep Hammer Curl 4 rounds

Tricep dip machine 4 rounds

I’m not covered in sweat but I do feel like I got a decent workout in! I’ll do cardio tonight for 30-40mins depending on my work day.

1001 Steps

IMG_4322There is a place near my house called 1001 Steps. I have lived in this area for almost 10 years and had never been! I had only heard stories… well when my cardio was increased from 30 to 35, 40, 45 to 55mins every day I knew I had to find something outside to get my heart rate up and kill an hour!

I finally went one Sunday morning and it was beautiful – ironically – it was hard, I managed to get up and down those stairs 11 times on the first attempt. The second attempt, you see my rocks above – 12 times 🙂


It is so nice to get out into nature and see what your local parks have to offer! I am so lucky to live in a beautiful place and with short summer season, it is so nice to get outside!!
