It can be a slippery slope

Tonight feels like it could go sideways. Not too sure why. Good workout this morning, got my cardio in and busy but productive day at work.

Finished dinner – Kale salad with tuna, tomatoes, cranberries, seeds and little bit of poppyseed dressing – and I still feel like something sweet. Pull out ketchup crispy minis, ok not sweet but carbs. Had a few handfuls. Still searching, raisins sure! Let’s “fill up” my sons 1/4 empty bin 😉 handful, few more, close the lid. But this is how it starts, little bits of things.

My husband is heading downstairs with my son leaving me in the kitchen alone. Dangerous. I have to do a little cooking tonight for the rest of the week. I made a coffee, almond milk latte actually with a bit of chocolate protein powder, ah this is satisfaction!

And I write about it, of my fingers are typing I certainly can’t be eating too 😉

My view


Feels good to start

Motivated. Ready. On Track.

It is funny how when you fuel your body with the right foods, you not only feel better but you aren’t as hungry!?! Amazing isn’t it? Not really, it’s pretty basic but most of us let our minds decide what goes into our mouths not our brains.

I had a good day today, not prefect, just better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

I wrote down my food and my workout this morning as well. Hubby and I worked out together this morning, we try to workout together as much as possible. Besides a two year old demanding our attention, this is our time together.IMG_0116-0


Salad with sole, quinoa and flax



Pumpkin Protein Cookies

Although I do wish there was a magic button I could push to get me three weeks from now feeling great, it’s a process and I need to learn to enjoy the process.

Epic Fail? No, I was sick

My 21 days was going to start, but then I got sick! Did you know that adults can get Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease? Well, let me tell you it is true! It started in my mouth, just thinking I was getting a sore throat but then my hands started to get itchy by Tuesday. On Wednesday got worse, to the point that having dinner that night I could not concentrate, they were itching and throbbing!! A trip to the walk in clinic confirmed it, Hand, Foot, and Mouth!?! It hit my feet by Thursday and today (Saturday) I am finally ok!

In that time, my food was all over the place and I obviously wasn’t hitting the gym.

Tomorrow, I will be back at the gym and I already have some food prepped. And more prepping to do tomorrow.

We are moving in 27 days. Hubby and I have decided that we are not going to eat out, no treat meals until we move. We are both feeling fluffy and out of shape! I vow for the next 27 days not only to post, but to post with pictures of my food and workouts.

PROMISE this time 😉

Some habits are harder than others

They say it takes 21 days to create a habit. How many days does it take to break one?

I have been on a rollercoaster since my debut Figure show November 8, 2014. As you have probably seen the sporadic, emotional, nonsense posts. Start and stop, start and stop. Which is why I come back to, how many days does it take to break a habit?

My habit is/was sticking to an eating plan. Journaling my food, and training with a coach. I have been decent at journaling but it is what my coach wants to see, not the in between snacks, the BLT’s as I call them. BLT’s = Bites, Licks and Tastes 🙂

In the last two weeks, I have decided not to train for a show in May. I have quit working with my coach (temporary) and I have gone off the friggin’ rails! I wake up every morning telling myself, today is the day. I will eat properly, according to my “off season” meal plan. I will take my off season seriously, and I will get back on track. But for me it only takes one thing, and then I give myself permission to throw away the rest of the day.

I don’t have a middle right now, only extreme left and right. But I am going to learn the middle.

It takes 21 days to create a habit. I am starting it today, this post Day 1 of 21.